Sunday, December 19, 2010

What is a CT Scan???

CT Scan (also referred to as CAT-Scan) stands for Computed Tomography Scan where COMPUTED means 'mathematical calculation' and TOMOGRAPHY means 'taking image in slices'.
It is basically a non-invasive procedure used for diagnosis of different diseases in which image of a body's part is acquired using thin slices.Just like if you see a  loaf bread but imagine it as it is made of thin slices of bread.Exactly the same way image of a body part is produced of cross-sectional images.Slices of a specific body part can be combined to form a 3D Image using software techniques.Some of these slices are shown as under:

This every image is also a result of a lot calculation/sofware manipulation,after that these images are formed.Thats why it is called Computed Tomography.

Now let us see how CT Scan Machine look like.It is basically a donut type(Hole Type) in which the patient is moved on a couch(table) as shown in below figure:

Now lets see how a ct scan acquires image:
X Rays are originated from a source called X-Ray Tube which rotates around the body of the patient,opposite to the tube is the detector such that patient lies in between the tube and detector.When X Rays pass through the patient of the body and some are stopped by the patient's body thus forming an image data on the detector.From this data of image is passed to DAS (Data Acquisition Section) which transfers the data from Rotatory Section to the Stationery Section,from where it comes to the console of the machine where it is stored,displayed and image reconstruction is performed.

More Details in next post!!!!!!!!!!!

For Queries please free to post............

Zia Ullah

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this information it is not only use for the engineering students but also helpful to understand the ct scan machine for others aswell, if looking for more information related to biomedical Engineering, visit: Biomedical Engineering
